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Scout24 beerdigt seinen Accelerator You Is Now

In den vergangenen Jahren durchliefen dutzende Start-ups den You Is Now-Accelerator, der zur großen Scout24-Gruppe gehört. Damit ist jetzt Schluss – wie schon auf dem #StartupTicker berichtet. Scout24 beerdigt den Accelerator komplett – und sofort. Unter der der optimistischen Überschrift “Bringing Innovation to the Next Level” verkündet das börsennotierte Unternehmen im Corporateblog das Ende des Brutkastens, der vor rund sechs Jahren an den Start ging.
Im firmeneigenen Interview erläutert Christian Bubenheim, Senior Vice President bei Scout24, die Hintergründe für das Aus: “The accelerator has been the right approach for us in recent years to stay connected to the startup ecosystem but Scout24 has changed significantly in the last years. We have introduced a completely new corporate structure, setting up our business in 12 market segments. This way, we are closest to our markets, customers and their needs. Our market segments operate as largely autonomously business units, led by cross-functional teams – we call them the FabX. These new structures enable us to work agile more like a startup. It also fosters a new innovation culture @scale at Scout24. And we can already see that compelling innovations are emerging from the individual market segments. In fact, timum, a Berlin-based startup in YOU IS NOW lab that provides a web-tool for online appointment booking, is already working in close cooperation with several market segments of ImmobilienScout24 and AutoScout24. With these changes at Scout24, it is only consistent to review and challenge the role and approach on engaging with startups. The objective is to bring our market segments and startups closer together – and connect them more directly than through a centrally controlled program like YOU IS NOW has been. With our new approach we intend to create the next level of engagement; more open, more direct, more flexible. And we are convinced that this way we will be getting a bigger win-win for both sides”.
Auch künftig soll You Is Now eine Art Verlängerung von Scout24 in die Start-up-Welt sein. Und auch das Event Valley in Berlin soll es weiter geben. Neue Acceleratorrunden wird es aber nicht mehr geben. zuletzt unterstützte der Brutkasten Start-ups wie Airteam, Flatnut, LookAround und MieterEngel. Aber auch Start-ups wie Bauvermietung.de, Building Radar, Capsuling.Me, Casavi, CleanBerlin (jetzt CleanAgents), eywalk, GroupEstate, HomeShare, KautionsRetter, Keydock, Leinentausch, MeineLocation, My Fitness Club, MyKeys24, homewhere.io, noknok24 (jetzt wg-suche.de), Orderlift, Parknav, PopUp Berlin (jetzt Go-Pop Up), SavYourDeposit, Smartcheckups, Sorglosinternet, Storagebook, timum, VRnow und Warmmiete24 durchliegen den Brutkasten.
Passend zum Thema: “Nicht jeder Inkubator oder Accelerator wird überleben”
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