Über 50 VCs, denen Gründer sofort folgen sollten

Start-ups, Gründer, Unternehmer und Investoren sollten unbedingt twittern. Warum? Weil viele Multiplikatoren bereits auf Twitter vertreten sind. An dieser Stelle präsentieren wir einmal über 50 aktive und einflussreiche Venture Capital-Geber, die auf Twitter unterwegs sind und denen man unbedingt folgen sollte – in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.
Über 50 VCs, denen Gründer unbedingt folgen sollten
Jan Alberti / @Jan_Alberti
Managing Partner at @bmp_ventures Venture Capital #investor: #SaaS #mobile #mobility #automotive #elearning #hrtech
Dominik Alvermann/ @domalv
Investor at @ActonCapital, Munich.
Jörg Binnenbrücker / @bibrue
#VentureCapital(ist) from Cologne/ Berlin/ Germany for tech, Founding Partner #capnamic #dumontventure & big time football supporter (1.FC Köln)
Otto Birnbaum / @ojbirnbaum
Supports entrepreneurs in building great companies!Works as #VC for #partechventures in #berlin loves #innovative ideas #passion and #kitesurfing
Peter Borchers / @pbo
CEO ‘Allianz X’ – Venture Unit of Allianz Group, identifying, building and globally scaling new business models | http://pbo.vc
Pawel Chudzinski / @pawell
Angel #VC @pointninecap; #b2b #saas #marketplaces
Louis Coppey / @louicop
@PointNineCap, previously @alvencap, @optiopay, @MIT, @HECParis, @TelecomParistech #SaaS | #ML Can always ping me louis@pointninecap.com
Filip Dames / @filipdames
Entrepreneur, investor. Founder @cherryventures, ex @zalando, @bvb fan. Here to back founders innovating consumer behavior thru product, proprietary data&tech.
Roland Dennert / @rgwd67
Tech Investor, Marathon Runner, Managing Partner at Cipio Partners
Iskender Dirik / @iskenderdirik
#VC + #Entrepreneur ? @Design, @Tech + #AI enthusiast
Rouven Dresselhaus / @RDresselhaus
Investor in Pre-Seed/Seed technology startups. MarioKart professional.
Robert Gallenberger / @Gallrob
Venture Partner at b-to-v. Early stage investments in advanced technologies, current focus on Connected Devices, IoT, Data&Analytics with industrial use cases
Stefan Glänzer / @StefanGlaenzer
Co-founder since ever, early stage investor@passioncapital – undecided whether being an entrepreneur or an investor. Like it
Markus Grundmann / @markusgrundmann
Startups, entrepreneurship and technology. Partner at B2B SaaS VC @senovovc
Henrik Grosse Hokamp / @HenrikGrH
Dreamer of a Tech Utopia – currently VC associate for @partechventures in Berlin
Thomas Grota / @thomasgr
Venture Capitalist at @DeutscheTelekom & @TMobile – Investor in @flaregames @Gini @enfore @Lookout Exited @mytaxi, @6wunderkinder @Swoodoo @contentfleetde
Alexander Hahn / @HAHNmeint
Berlin, Hannover und Welt, 29, seed+speed Ventures, Bundesvorstand Freie Demokraten (FDP) und Überzeugungstäter. Hier: Privatperson #startups #VC #FDP
Luis Hanemann / @LuisHanemann
Partner @eventuresVC, Founder of digital marketing agency Trust Agents. Passion for change.
Fabian Hansmann / @FabianHansmann
Managing Director Netz Holding; Co-Founder Netzsieger, Netzshopping, RatePAY, Steganos, Talentory; Seed investor MisterSpex, Seedcamp…
Benedikt Herles / @BenediktHerles
Venture Capitalist. Author. Contemplating future.
Manuel Hinz / @ManuelHinz
Founder & Managing Director @CrossEngage | Venture Advisor @EarlybirdVC | Entrepreneur | Digital Native
Uwe Horstmann / @uwehorstmann
#venturecapital investor, current interests #digitalhealth and #industrie40 lived in Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Eastern Africa, North Korea, Japan ???? West Wing
Olaf Jacobi / @olafjacobi
Venture Capital Investor @Capnamic, Business Angel, Repeat Entrepreneur, Athlete
Paul Jozefak / @pjozefak
Slovak/American in Germany launching start-ups & abusing tech @ Liquid Labs. Former VC at Neuhaus Partners & SAP Ventures. Thoughts are purely propoganda!
Christoph Janz / @chrija
Internet entrepreneur turned #saas investor. Partner at @pointninecap. Investor in @zendesk, @geckoboard, @chartmogul, @vendhq, @algolia, @typeform, @contentful
Massi Kamali / @MasoudMassi
VC @WestTechVC
Arnulf Keese / @Arnulf_Keese
General Partner at http://e.ventures
Jens-Philipp Klein / @jensphilipp
Partner at Atlantic Labs, based in Berlin.
Alexander Kölpin / @AlexKoelpin
Early Stage Tech Investor, active as Angel & SeedVC @WestTechVC and Incubation @PFE_Incubator
Ralph Eric Kunz / @RalphEKunz
Managing Director at Catagonia – Berlin-based VC firm investing in mobile internet, social network apps, location and internet based services.
Fabian Leipelt / @fleipelt
@WestTechVC & @pfe_incubator, prev @Groupon
Koen Lenssen / @koenlenssen
Venture Capital @ Tengelmann Ventures / Dutchie in Germany / Runner / Views are my own
Christophe Maire / @christophex
Entrepreneur (gate5, http://plazes.com ), Nokia Maps, Angel (Brands4friends, StudiVZ, SoundCloud), Founder / CEO txtr
Jasper Masemann / @Jasamaze
Principal at http://Holtzbrinck-Ventures.com , founded http://greatcontent.com , angel investor, Boston Consulting Group
Gabriel Matuschka / @gmatuschka
Partner at Fly Ventures @flyvc https://twitter.com/FlyVC/lists
Christian Miele / @miele
VC @eventuresVC
Dominik Mühl / @dominikmuehl
Investor, tech lover … nsfw account
Barbod Namini / @b_namini
Venture Capitalist @ Holtzbrinck Ventures. Love tech gadgets, no matter how useless.
Friedrich A. Neuman / @faneuman
i’m a paulista living in berlin. citizen of the world. a startup’s first investor. entrepreneur at heart. founder/ceo @MAKERSdo
Max Niederhofer / @maxniederhofer
General Partner, Sunstone Capital.
Ciarán O’Leary / @ciaranoleary
VC @blueyard (http://www.blueyard.com)
Mathias Ockenfels / @ockenrock
On the dark side of the force: Early Stage Tech VC @PointNineCap, previously M&A @Naspers & @ricardo_ch; Passion for startups, sport, biking; Views are my own
Marcus Polke / @polkemarcus
VC @ActonCapital, avid long distance runner. Ex @Amazon, @AOL, @Abebooks. Current Read: T. Capote, “In Cold Blood”
Benedict Rodenstock / @Benedetto09
Observing and Commenting: The Digital Economy and beyond: on current affairs in Germany, Europe, and the world. Politics, Economics, Business.
David Rosskamp / @drosskamp
Venture Capitalist | http://drosskamp.com
Nikolas Samios / @BerlinVC
Venture Capital Entrepreneur // Founder & CEO @CoopHQ // 200+ VC deals done // Music Geek, 25% Greek
Pawel Schapiro / @pawel_vc
All things digital, VC and Tech. Venture Partner @ TA Ventures ex Rocket Internet, ex Creathor Venture. Proud daddy to a superstar baby.
Daria Saharova / @daria_saharova
Early stage investor at @VitoOneVC
Tobias Schirmer / @TobiasSchirmer
VC in Berlin @join_capital
Simon Schmincke / @simonschmincke
VC @creandum. Fishing with flies. Dad and developer. Shooting with Canon @ twomenvswild.de.
Simon Schneider / @simon_schneider
Start-Ups, VC, Seed, FCB, Karneval, Rheinland
Jan Sessenhausen / @jsessenhausen
Tech Investments, Basketball and other random stuff
Samuli Sirén / @SamuliRedstone
Managing Director @RedstoneVC | Redstone manages multiple corporate venture funds. We connect industry leaders and ambitious founders.
Stefan Tirtey / @toetoe
MD at CommerzVentures, fintech investor, investor in @etoro, @mambu_com, and @marqeta, early investor in @Soundcloud, driven by curiosity, views are my own
Andreas Thümmler / @Athuemmler
Managing Partner at ACXIT Capital Partners, an independent, privately owned corporate finance firm based in Frankfurt / Germany.
Dominik Tobschall / @DominikTo
Developer & Lawyer; ¯\_(?)_/¯; Early-stage VC @targetpartners; @fruux, @sabredav; This is not legal advice. :-P
Alexander von Frankenberg / @Justdoitalex
Investing in high-tech start-ups in Germany and running around the world @runaroundaworld
Berthold von Freyberg / @bvfreyberg
1989, 1993 ETH Zürich Diploma, PhD 1997 Microsoft Office PM, Seattle 1999 TVM Capital, Munich SInce 2000 Target Partners, Munich
Federico Wengi / @federicowengi
Venture Capital Associate at @pauaventures. Internet, Hardware and Food enthusiast. Europe’s Citizen. FC Internazionale fan.
Chris White / @ChrisWeiss84
Investment Manager @CreathorVenture
Jason Whitmire / @jason_whitmire
Early stage VC @blueyard (http://blueyard.com ), inspired to work with founders every day. Living in the anthropocene.
Andreas Winiarski / @winiarski
Digital disruptor by heart. Partner @EarlybirdVC. Former MD & SVP for @RocketBerlin. #supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Nicolas Wittenborn / @ncsh
big things start small
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