Lesenswert: Xing, Bootstrapping, Deezer, ReadWriteWeb, SAY Media, Zynga, Fab.com, Twitter

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Xing kündigt Entwicklerschnittstelle an
Das Geschäftsnetzwerk Xing wird in Kürze eine Entwicklerschnittstelle veröffentlichen – ein überfälliger Schritt, erst recht angesichts der Bedrohung durch LinkedIn.

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Bootstrapping: Bringt es Gründen ohne Kapital heute noch?
Auch wenn in der deutschen Gründer- und Investorenszene gerade wieder der Glaube an ein “Viel hilft viel” vorherrscht, lassen sich viele Online-Ideen speziell hierzulande nur aus eigener Kraft verwirklichen – sei es, weil die Idee aus Investorensicht zu wenig Kapitalbedarf hat, sei es, weil sie den hiesigen VCs (ursprünglich: Risikokapitalgebern) zu wenig banal und damit zu risikant ist. Wann macht Gründen ohne Kapital Sinn? Und welche Modelle eignen sich dafür?
Exciting Commerce

Onlinedienst Deezer greift in Deutschland an
Die französische Onlinefirma Deezer will dem US-Konkurrenten Spotify hierzulande zuvorkommen. Facebook soll bei der Verbreitung des Musikstreaming-Dienstes helfen.

ReadWriteWeb, SAY Media
ReadWriteWeb Acquired by SAY Media
I’m thrilled to announce that ReadWriteWeb has been acquired by SAY Media, a digital publishing company headquartered in San Francisco. ReadWriteWeb will anchor SAY Media’s growing Technology channel, which reaches more than 75 million global consumers each month.

How Zynga grew from gaming outcast to $9 billion social game powerhouse
Zynga has turned the video game world upside down in its short five-year history. As it’s poised on the verge of a massive initial public offering, the social game startup is now one of gaming’s great success stories.

Behind the Scenes: How Fab Raised $40 million with a lot of data and not much pain
Let’s face it, fundraising can be a real pain in the ass for the entrepreneur. It takes up a ton of time that can be otherwise spent managing the business. Sure, it’s a necessary evil, but it’s also typically a big distraction. It’s also a lot like dating. You have to go on a lot of first dates before you can move on the to the second, third, fourth, and then hopefully marriage. The worst thing you can do is slut around. It wastes a ton of time, can damage your reputation, and doesn’t get you far.

Twitter’s contentious redesign boosts unofficial apps
The week-old redesign of quick-messaging service Twitter was meant to simplify its tools and make it more accessible to newbies. But it has had some unintended consequences. Independent developers of applications that tie into Twitter’s network say they have experienced significant accelerations in downloads and revenue since Twitter 4.0 launched last week.

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